What is LedgerLinker?

A: LedgerLinker is a software application that connects to your bank accounts and retrieves transaction data so that it can be easily imported into an accounting system.

How does LedgerLinker work?

LedgerLinker uses a bank account aggregation service called Plaid to securely connect to your bank accounts and retrieve transaction data. Plaid maintains thousands of connections, bots, and scrapers to access transaction data from financial institutions around the world. When you connect your bank accounts to LedgerLinker, Plaid securely stores your login credentials and provides us with a token that we use to access your account data. Once the data is retrieved, LedgerLinker transforms it into a format that can be easily imported into popular accounting systems. This allows you to keep your accounting records up to date with your latest transactions without having to manually enter them.

Is my financial information and passwords secure with LedgerLinker?

The short answer is yes, because we don’t store your financial information! First of all, we never have access to your login credentials. When you connect your financial institution to LedgerLinker, you send your credentials directly to our account aggregator, Plaid. Plaid securely stores your credentials and provides LedgerLinker with a token that we use to access your transaction data.

Furthermore, we do not retrieve your transaction data until you explicitly request it to populate your export file. This means that your financial information is never stored on our servers and is only available to you when you are ready to import it to your accounting system.

Does LedgerLinker store my bank login credentials?

No, LedgerLinker does not store your bank login credentials. When you connect your bank accounts, Plaid securely stores your credentials and provides us with a token that we use to access your account data.

How much does LedgerLinker cost?

LedgerLinker offers a variety of pricing plans to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Please visit our pricing page for more information.